Miorreطقم ملابس داخلية بدون حشوة بتفاصيل حجر أسود
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Free ShippingOn orders over $250
Product Details
اللون: أسود
المادة: مزيج من البوليستر
النمط: سادة
نوع القماش: منسوج
محتوى العبوة: قطعة واحدة
طول الأكمام: بدون أكمام
شكل الجزء السفلي: تانغاه
شكل الجزء العلوي: بستيير
الخصر: خصر عادي
تفاصيل الاستدامة: لا
البلد المنشأ: لا
اكتشفي طقم الملابس الداخلية بدون حشوة بتفاصيل حجر أسود من Miorre عبر ElbiseBul، المصمم ليمنحك الأناقة والراحة في كل مناسبة. احصلي على أفضل التصاميم العصرية التي تناسب ذوقك.
Returns & Cancellation
How can I create a return request?
Customer satisfaction and expectations are important to us. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you can return your products within 14 days from the date you received them, provided they are in their original packaging, unused, and with tags intact.
You can initiate the return process by logging into your account, accessing the relevant order from the "My Orders" section, and following the steps in the "Order Support Center."
How can I cancel my order?
To cancel your order on ElbiseBul, you can create a cancellation request from the "Order Support Center" located in your order details. If the products in your order have not been shipped, the cancellation process will begin immediately, and the amount you paid will be refunded to your credit card right away. If the products have already been shipped, the amount you paid will be refunded to your credit card after the products are returned to seller.
» Check out the Help Center for more information